In Search of Wonder. In the decade from to Damon Knight was the outstanding critic of science fiction books. His reviews were not mere statements of his personal preferences. His skillful essays told why they were good or bad/5. 7 rows · · In the decade from to , Damon Knight was the outstanding critic of science fiction Author: Damon Knight. IN SEARCH OF WONDER: Essays on Modern Science Fiction. Knight Damon. Published by Advent Publishers, ISBN ISBN
In Search of Wonder: Essays on Modern Science Fiction - Damon Knight. The landmark of SF criticism. In Search of Wonder is the foundational work of science fiction criticism, as Sam Moskowitz's The Immortal Storm: A History of Science Fiction Fandom is the foundational history of its organized readership. In search of wonder: essays on modern science fiction by Damon Knight (Book) Robert A. Heinlein by Robert A Heinlein (Book) Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of science fiction by Alec Nevala-Lee (Book). In Search Of Wonder: Essays On Modern Science Fiction|Damon Francis Knight, The Virtue Of Defiance And Psychiatric Engagement|Nancy Nyquist Potter, Budgeting Basics And Beyond: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide For Nonfinancial Managers|Joel G. Siegel, Dams And Disease: Ecological Design And Health Impacts Of Large Dams, Canals And Irrigation Systems|William Jobin.
Damon Knight effectively invented science fiction criticism. His reviews were not mere statements of his personal preferences-his skillful essays analyzed the books and told why they were good or bad, to the edification of readers, the delight of good writers, and the embarrassment of bad ones. In this unique critical study of science fiction, Mr. Knight works on the principle that science fiction is a form of literature which needs no apologies and no special dispensations: it can and. In Search of Wonder by Damon Knight, Advent Pub Inc edition, Hardcover - Rev edition. In Search of Wonder. In the decade from to Damon Knight was the outstanding critic of science fiction books. His reviews were not mere statements of his personal preferences. His skillful essays told why they were good or bad.