mark woods is a time management expert and author of the book attack your day before it attacks you. Smarter time management for a whole new world: faster, more flexible, and easier! Mark Woods' activity-based Attack Your Day system has helped thousands of individuals supercharge their productivity – in work and business, in school, and throughout their personal lives. Now, it's your turn! Attack Your Day's five crucial "activity management" skills and productivity strategies can help 4/5(2). In I’ll be releasing a 10th anniversary expanded and updated edition of the book, Attack Your Day! Before It Attacks You. When I’m not speaking, you will find me “attacking” triathlons, skiing, renovating houses, or hiking in the outdoors.
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Time management, productivity, motivation, and inspirational videos from Mark Woods, author of Attack Your Day! Before It Attacks You. mark woods is a time management expert and author of the book attack your day before it attacks you. “Attack Your Day! targets your internal toolbox and provides you the awareness that times have changed. You better get on board or the train will leave without you. Perfect for those who enjoy the keep it simple dance!” —Loren Simpson, COO, London Bridge Trading Co., Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army, Retired.