· A Mind of Its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Deceives is a book about how the human mind is error-riddled, slapdash, and barely adequate to its task. Unable to deal with the reality that terrible things happen for no reason and with no way to anticipate them, we assume that anyone suffering from misfortunate must have done something to deserve it/5. Dotted with popular explanations of social psychology research and fascinating real-life examples, A Mind of Its Own tours the less salubrious side of human psychology. Psychologist Cordelia Fine shows that the human brain is in fact stubborn, emotional and deceitful, and teaches you everything you always wanted to know about the brain – and plenty you probably didn’t/5(). A Mind of Its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Deceives. Cordelia Fine, Author. Norton $ (p) ISBN Vain, immoral, bigoted: this is your brain in action, according to.
With our cherished illusions about human nature's heart and mind by now well and truly shattered, it may be time to revisit Cordelia Fine's heads-up on the state of the human brain. Seven years after its publication, A Mind of Its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Deceives is still bang on the mark. Fortunately it is also easier for. 1. Author(s): Fine,Cordelia Title(s): A mind of its own: how your brain distorts and deceives/ Cordelia Fine. Edition: 1st ed. Country of Publication: United States. Vain, immoral, bigoted: this is your brain in action, according to Fine, a research associate at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at Australian National University. Fine document.
Cordelia Fine introduces us to a brain we might not want to meet, a brain with a mind of its own. She illustrates the brain's tendency toward self-delusion as she explores how the mind defends and glorifies the ego by twisting and warping our perceptions. Dotted with popular explanations of social psychology research and fascinating real-life examples, A Mind of Its Own tours the less salubrious side of human psychology. Psychologist Cordelia Fine shows that the human brain is in fact stubborn, emotional and deceitful, and teaches you everything you always wanted to know about the brain - and plenty you probably didn't. Cordelia Fine introduces us to a brain we might not want to meet, a brain with a mind of its own. She illustrates the brain's tendency toward self-delusion as she explores how the mind defends and.