· Cite this entry as: Striewe M. () Caimbeul, Aonghas Pàdraig: An Oidhche Mus Do Sheol Sinn. In: Arnold H.L. (eds) Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL). Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul has 11 books on Goodreads with 86 ratings. Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul’s most popular book is An Oidhche Mus Do Sheòl Sinn. Leirmheas air 'An Oidhche Mus Do Sheol Sinn' le Anna Latharna NicGhillIosa 'An Oidhche Mus Do Sheol Sinn' review by The List (English) Roimh-Radh le Maighstir Cailean MacAonghais. Introduction to 'An Oidhche Mus Do Sheol Sinn' by Fr Colin MacInnes.
Leirmheas air 'An Oidhche Mus Do Sheol Sinn' le Anna Latharna NicGhillIosa 'An Oidhche Mus Do Sheol Sinn' review by The List (English) Roimh-Radh le Maighstir Cailean MacAonghais. Introduction to 'An Oidhche Mus Do Sheol Sinn' by Fr Colin MacInnes. Tha Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul air iomadach duais a chosnadh mar bhàrd, nobhailiche, neach-naidheachd, craoladair agus cleasaiche. Buinidh e do dh'Uibhist-a-Deas far an deach a thogail gus an do ghluais a theaghlach a-mach gu sgìre an Òbain nuair a bha e His Gaelic-language novel 'An Oidhche Mus do Sheòl Sinn' was short-listed for. In , the Gaelic novel An Oidhche Mus do Sheòl Sinn by Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul was voted eighth in the The List/Orange selection of the Best Scottish Books of All Time, a considerable triumph, not least because it was also the only twenty-first century novel on the list. Caimbeul's triumph was, however, largely undermined by the.
Leirmheas air 'An Oidhche Mus Do Sheol Sinn' le Anna Latharna NicGhillIosa 'An Oidhche Mus Do Sheol Sinn' review by The List (English) Roimh-Radh le Maighstir Cailean MacAonghais. Introduction to 'An Oidhche Mus Do Sheol Sinn' by Fr Colin MacInnes. The following year he was given a Creative Scotland Award for Literature. His novel, An Oidhche Mus do Sheòl Sinn, published by CLÀR, was voted by the public into the Top Ten of the Best-Ever Books from Scotland in the Orange/List Awards. Sorley MacLean said of Campbell. Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul (Angus Peter Campbell) is from South Uist. His Gaelic novel An Oidhche Mus Do Sheòl Sinn was publicly voted as one of the Top Ten Best-Ever Books from Scotland in the Orange/List Magazine Awards in