But Beautifulis a paean to jazz, a study and homage in fictional form. Dedicated to his mentor, John Berger, Dyer follows in the master's footsteps in looking for novel approaches to presenting a literary work. In his preface Dyer states: When I began writing this book I was unsure of the form it should www.doorway.ru: Geoff Dyer. "May be the best book ever written about jazz."―David Thomson, Los Angeles Times In eight poetically charged vignettes, Geoff Dyer skillfully evokes /5(). · But Beautiful: A Book about Jazz. But Beautiful.: Geoff Dyer. Macmillan, - Biography Autobiography - pages. 8 Reviews. /5(8).
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But Beautifulis a paean to jazz, a study and homage in fictional form. Dedicated to his mentor, John Berger, Dyer follows in the master's footsteps in looking for novel approaches to presenting a literary work. In his preface Dyer states: When I began writing this book I was unsure of the form it should take. "May be the best book ever written about jazz."—David Thomson, Los Angeles Times In eight poetically charged vignettes, Geoff Dyer skillfully evokes the music and the men who shaped modern jazz. But Beautiful: A Book About Jazz. But Beautiful.: Geoff Dyer. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, - Biography Autobiography - pages. 8 Reviews. "May be the best book ever written about.