Ebook {Epub PDF} Christina och Carl Piper : en biografi by Svante Norrhem

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Christina Piper, née Törne ( in Stockholm - in Krageholm Castle, Scania), was a Swedish countess, landowner and entrepreneur, married to the statesman and military count Carl www.doorway.ru the tenure of her spouse in office, she played a considerable political role. Christina Piper became known in history as a landowner and builder. En biografi. Det här är historien om talets mest omtalade, avskydda och avundade par Christina och Carl Piper. De ansågs vara makthungriga, intriganta och giriga. Carl, en av Karl XII:s närmaste män, dog som rysk krigsfånge efter slaget vid Poltava. Christinas sällsynta affärsbegåvning gjorde henne till en mäktig industri- och. Christina och Carl Piper: en biografi [Norrhem, Svante] on www.doorway.ru *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. Christina och Carl Piper: en biografi.

In , Carl Piper left Sweden in the entourage of Charles XII to participate in the Great Northern War, leaving Christina in charge of the family affairs. She visited him in the Swedish military headquarters on two occasions: the first one in Rawicz in , and the second time in Altranstädt in Christina och Carl Piper book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. TY - BOOK. T1 - Christina och Carl Piper. T2 - En biografi. AU - Norrhem, Svante. PY - /6/1. Y1 - /6/1. KW - Early Modern History. KW - upstarts.


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