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Sculpture: Processes Principles|Rudolf Wittkower, Intensive Culture: Social Theory, Religion Contemporary Capitalism (Published In Association With Theory, Culture Society)|Scott M Lash, The Confederate Press In The Crucible Of The American Civil War (Mediating American History)|Debra Reddin Van Tuyll, A Kind Of Magic (Ulverscroft Large Print Series)|Betty Neels. Sculpture Processes And Principles (Peregrine Books)|Rudolf Wittkower, Too Weak To Fight Too Strong To Hold On: A Collection of Poems for the Broken Hearted|Sallie Graves, A Kind of Intimacy|Jenn Ashworth, Companion Guide to Istanbul (Companion Guides)|John Freely. , Sculpture: processes and principles / [by] Rudolf Wittkower Allen Lane London Wikipedia Citation Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required.
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